Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > rat rat

21 15:45:22

sorry to ask a question here, but it wouldnt let me ask a question on the specific "rat" Q&A. My rat died recently after two years, and I found her laying under her wheel, stretched out uncomfortably, with blood dotting her bedding and a bit on her pelvis area...what happened?

I don't know for sure, but we had to put our rat to sleep in December as she had stopped eating and drinking and was bleeding rectally (she was 3 years old).  I think that as hard as it is for us to accept that pets, just like people, sometimes die from old age because things stop working.  I can't tell you exactly what went wrong, but if yours and mine both had the same issue, perhaps that is a more common issue than either of us know.  We have a new baby rat we just got a couple of days ago, so I know I'll be looking for bleeding as she ages.  I hope you find peace in knowing she isn't in any pain now.