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Injured mouse

21 15:44:28

Hi, my cat got a small mouse. I got her free and she seems ok, except for an injury on her forehead. I cannot take her to the vet, because in my state they will kill it, and I think the little guy has a good chance, and would like to try to nurse him back and then release. My question is, is there anything I can safely give him/her to alleviate pain? I would hate for it to be suffering.

Thank you for asking all experts and I apologize for the wait on your question. Here are some things that you can safely use on the mouse to promote healing and relieve pain.

1)Neosporin will promote healing and you can buy some that relieves pain as well.

2)Saline solution

3)Infants Motrin or Tylenol using an infant dropper on both and doing 0.3 twice daily

I found this awesome site that give medicines and dosages for mice/rats over the counter. I always use what you would on an infant being mice are so small. Make sure he is eating and drinking.

I hope this helps and thank you for taking care of the little guy and feel free to ask as many questions as you need.