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rat bleeding nose

21 15:51:17

My rat is bleeding from the nose, twice so far in the last couple of days and seems to be in great distress, running frantically about.

She also has laboured breathing.

She is about two years old. Its seems she settles down when I boil a kettle to raise the humidity and temperature but it may be she is just getting over it anyway.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, she is a great friend and I would hate to lose her or have her suffer for me not knowing what to do.


Hi Alex,

From what you are saying it does not seem that your doe has
porphyrin (looks like blood aroung the eyes and nose). It seem to me that she had a Respiratory Infection, it's best to take her to the vet's as he will be able to you what is wrong. If it is a respiratory infection the vet will give you a anti-biotic, to help it also steam her twice a day for about 10 mins at a time, try adding Olbas to the steaming water (make sure that there is NO PINE in the ingredients) add Echinacea 1 drop 2 times a day to a small amout of bread, yoghurt or baby foods for her to eat. This helps to boost the immunity.

Try feeding her a higher carolie diet, like Porrige, scramble eggs, Tinned cat food, yoghurts and baby foods. As she may not feel like eating and the above is easy to eat and should keep the weight on her. If she is eating well don't feed the above very often, as to much protein can cause the hair to fall out, but it's usally in Bucks.

Make sure her bedding is paper based and not Pine or Cedar and change it regular so no ammoniea builds up. Put her in a cage by her self and keep her warm.

Hope this helps if there's any more that you like to know please just ask. Please could you rate me now thanks.
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