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Hamster Blister

21 15:44:47

Our dwarf hamster, "Oreo" has a red blister on her back foot. We put a paper towel on it and a puss w/ blood came out. She is acting fine. Any idea how to help her with her blister?

Thanks for asking. What you want to look at first is her cage. Is it wire or is there bedding? Wire cages are not good for rodents because of blisters or bumble feet. If this is the case you can place cardboard, wood, plastic tupper ware top, anything to make a flat surface for walking on.

Also look into things like irritation from new bedding. You can try changing from bedding to newspaper or toilet paper and see if there is any change. This is if the first part about the wire cage is not the cause.

Second if you cannot afford to take her to the vet then here are some options for you:

1)Keep it clean with peroxide or neosporin. Also keep the cage as clean as possible to prevent further infection. What is best is to keep it clean with soap and water or if you see an "opening" in the blister then put the neosprin inside because she will eventually lick it all off.

2)Try to find a vet if nothing changes because it may become something much worse.

Here are some more links that may help you: