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Rats as class pets.

21 15:48:42

I teach 7th grade Life Science and have a large glass tank in my classroom. I originally wanted to put turtles in there, but turtles are illegal in New Jersey :( I was thinking of rats. I am very comfortable with handling them so that would not be a problem. If I decided on having a rat, I should have two, right? Now...if I have two rats, do I do both male or both female? I'm not interested in breeding them at all. (At home, we tried having two male guinea pigs together and that did not work out at all). Would a glass tank be okay for a rat?

Hello Amanda,

Yes it's best to have 2 boy's (Buck's) or 2 girl's (Doe's). The boy's will get on fine in pairs, and you can add different age together too.

I wouldn't put them in a glass tank as rast can get over heated very easly. A wire cage like a bird cage is best.

Hope this help
Take Care
Nitros Fancy Rats