Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > Hamster


21 15:43:20

Our hamster has recently started drinking an excessive amount of water and of course this means that he pees a heck of a lot.  We have had him for at least 5 months and this just started recently?  Is this normal?  We have another hamster that goes thru 1/10 the amount of water he does?
thanks for any help you might have

Excess amount of urination and water consumption in a rodent points to diabetes. This is something that has to be tested by a vet. While you wait for this to happen, keep him from becoming dehydrated by giving him 50% pedilyte(clear kind) and 50% water. Make sure that you also keep him with vitamin supplements in his water because a diabetic does not process food and nutrients properly.

Some further reading :