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What is wrong with his paws? -Hamster

21 15:43:25

My Hamster has a swolen toe with what looks like a sort of scab underneith the left toe and the nail or like something is stuck to his foot but it is hard and won't come off. It looks like there is also a scab under his front two paws. On the right paw the base of the nail looks as  though it has been bleeding. I am always worried about him, can you help please?

Your best bet for your little one would be to have him seen by a veterinarian who can address the issues he has. There are several things that could be wrong. He could have an injury (check your cage for sharp objects or broken wire), an allergy to bedding or food etc. Is he housed with other hamsters? Once hamsters reach sexual maturity they will fight with other males, so if he is housed with other males I would remove him asap. He could also have mites or a fungal infection. Ringworm is quite common in rodents. Since hamsters are very fragile pets the sooner he sees a vet the better. What type of bedding is he kept on? Pine and cedar are big no no's. I dislike Carefresh as well due to it's dust content, which can irritate their delicate respiratory tract. Hopefully this helps you out a bit and the vet can figure out what is going on and get him squared away. :)