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21 15:45:36

    I am looking for a fluffy animal out there and so far the two choices are Degus or Chinchillas. Money is not a problem as long as the bedding doesn't have to be purchased constantly(like my hamster). I do not want a smelly, very high motabolism animal like a hamster, and the bedding at the bottom has to be fairly clean looking or changed every week. What kind of stools do these animals produce? Like a rabbit, their stools are wet, but they dry out and create no mess. Any advice or suggestions would help.

Hello Alec,
chinchillas are a wonderful pet but they also need a cool environment and not a lot of noise. You will of course have to change the bedding at least once a week with any animal. Their stools resemble that of a rabbits stools. Chinchillas are active animals but they will settle down once they get to know you and become familiar with you, but they are active.