Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > dagu


21 15:43:21

are there any easy to read/follow publications on dagu's available in the UK.

are dagus ok in large metal barred cages which the pet shop sold with the dagu

am trying to obtain info for my daughter who has 2 dagu's



I can help a little, but not on all of your questions. As I live in the US, I don't know what publications are available in print in the UK...however there are lots of great resources online.  Just do a search for "degu care".  As for the metal cages, not seeing them I can't say for sure.  The biggest issue you have to worry about is the bottom of the cage.  Degus cannot have wire bottoms to walk on as they will develop a condition called bumblefoot which is very painful.  Make sure they have a solid bottom with litter.  One other thing is to make sure there is no plastic on the cage as they will chew thru it in a hurry.  

Good luck,