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Sneezing Rats

21 15:48:42


I have two male Fancy rats purchased from Petsmart nine months ago; we use Kaytee aspen bedding and Nutraphase food along with fruits and veggies, pasta "treats."

Our rats came home from Petsmart sneezing.  We didn't know what we were getting into.  Took them to vet who gave them enrofloxacin and doxicycline, treated them twice, it stops the sneezing for about two weeks.  Now they are on second course of cipro and still sneezing, red stuff around nose, snuffling noises when sleeping.

Are my rats doomed?  Will they ever be well? Will they have to be on drugs for the remainder of their lives?  Is there something else we can use, a natural alternative?

We want our rats to get better, they are only about 8 months old.  Any help is appreciated.


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, had computer trouble.

I'd try changing the bedding to Biocatolet, yesterdays news or a paper based bedding, (we use shredded cardboard boxies) as they may just have an allergy to the bedding. If that does not work they probably have Myco. The best thing to do for this is keep them on a paper based bedding, (Never use sawdust or pine bedding) Change the bedding every day to keep to ammonia down. When the red stuff around there eyes is to bad clean it off with some warm water (the red stuff is called porphyrin, and is see more on pale coloured rats)
Wash your hand before you touch the rats and after you have handled them, as you may spred it to other animals.

They may have to live on anti's for the rest of there life, to stop the breathing getting any worse. Make sure there cage is a wire cage and is not placed in a draft.
I had a rat with Myco that lived to a year with out any anti's, so they may well live there full life span.

You could also try when you have a bath, let them in the room to breath in the steamy air, which will help to open there air ways.

Hope this helps.
Take Care
Nitros Fancy Rats