Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > sexing/feeding


21 15:48:49

Hello, I boguht my hedgehog from a pet store yesterday, it is about nine weeks old and about the size of a full grown hamster, anyways I was told it was a male but wehn I read a few care sheets it and dubble checked it seems he is a she because the opening are right on top of each other rather then spaced like a male... am I correct is he a female? also they were feeding hi/her nutrence kitten food it has 30% crude protine and 20% fat... is this good of bad? he/she seems to have a hard time chewing the kibbles... should I soften them until he/she is bigger? also I heard they enoguh bits of fruits/vegtables and meal wroms... is this correct? how offen should this things be fed? also I heard they can have cat/ferret treats... is this true? how offen can these be given?

also I was told they can exercise in a large rat exercise ball... is this true? is it safe?

Thank you for your time.

I can't tell you the sex of the hedgehog without seeing it.

Do not feed your hedgehog kitten food. It is too high in fat. Slowly mix a premium CAT food into the kitten food until it is completely cat food your hedgehog is eating. It should be at least 20% protein and less than 5% fat if you can get it. I had to settle for 11% fat in my area. A little fruit and vegtables is ok, but not too much. Also keep in mind they are small animals and a tiny bit will do. I would say even an apple slice is too much. Mealworms are high in fat, so it should only be a special treat.

I fed mine these cheesey cat treats occasionally. So you can, but not too often. I would say it is hardly worth the expense since you will be feeding them so little that they go bad before the box/bag is even halfway done (less if large container).

Just let your hedgie run on a washable floor that has no creavises. I had to rip out the cabinets in my kitchen after my hedgie found a hole and climb under them. I would never put mine in a ball. Hedgies don't stop for anyhting when they are running. I mean anything. They pee and poop while running. Would you want to run in a ball full of that? and it will drip on your carpet.

Buy a hedgehog wheel for the cage. They can be ordered online. I forget the site, but I believe they are called Wodent wheels.

Also, make sure your cage is big. I mean really big. Hedgehogs get cranky if the area is too small and they let you know. I woke up one day to a cage full of blood and it took two days to figure out she was rubbing her nose on the side of the cage trying to get out. I big plastic storage container is decent. Some people use those kiddie pools. You don't really need a lid. They will not try to climb out. Also make sure they have a dark house for privacy.