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Poorly socialized chinchilla

21 15:46:23

I absolutely adore my chinchilla-- she is gorgeous, curious and comical.  Unfortunately, she does not adore me as much as I adore her.  I have read that to socialize a chinchilla, you should begin by placing your hand in / near their cage daily until they are curious enough to jump into your hand.  My chinchilla rears up and shoots pee at me if I put my hand in her cage!  I am willingly to try anything to get her to like me, any suggestions?

I think that you may have to start at even a more basic step. Just take time out each day to gently talk to her. This may take weeks before she is comfortable enough with you to allow you to even come close to her with your hand. She is obviously frightened and it will take time. I have a very wonderful chinchilla group that might be able to give to you more suggestions. It is a Board and not a Yahoo group. You are very welcome to join us. Here is the link: