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Da meeses again

21 15:43:06

Hey, what's up? (the cieling I know :)) so you
know we have mice (Connor here, hi!) and
we like to give uor mice peanut butter. We
like to give them PVC pipes or something to
crawl around in, which doesn't leave any
room for their wheel. They also like corn, but
don't give them much. Could this be why
they are getting fat? And also, we took your
advice and Colia still sneezes, even though  
we switched to newspaper, paper towels,  
and even the stuff in the shredder! WHY oh  
WHY oh WHYYYYYY does it all end with  
nothing!? WHY!!?? *sniff* ( and scene :)).
One last thing- could Taylor's vomiting last
be linked to her holding them in her "place"
and kissing them?

as always,

I am not sure about the vomiting issue to be honest. However, if the mice are still sneezing with everything that we have tried then it is time to see a vet. Make sure that the vet knows about mice and explain all that you have done to limit the allergy issue. Also they will get fat if they cannot exercise. You need to either get a larger cage or alternate the tubes with the wheel. Hope that this helps :)