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Sick Degu, whats wrong and what do I do?

21 15:44:40


Image with 3 mounted p
Hi, I've had a issue with my female degu for quite some time now but its never been as serious as now, I also haven't gone to the vet since I live in Portugal where vets have no clue what degus even are...Ok, basically there hasn't been much change in activity (except its sleeps a little more often) and apatite however, 1. both its eyes, sometimes only one start tearing white stuff 2. It seems to have some difficulty in eating harder food 3. today I noticed that its neck was completely soaked with some colorless and quite odorless liquid (and I'm absolutely sure its not urine or water) Its had these wet places going from below its eye to the bottom part of the neck (sometimes on the paws too since it lies down on them). I'll send the best picture I managed to take because its quite hard to explain. The other female its with (its sister) seems to be completely fine, none of these issues have ever (so far) appeared on her. I would really appreciate some advice because I'm completely flipping out here. In relation to the image attached: not that I know much about degus but it might seem as if the wet area could be caused by drooling which could be a result of a toothache or something. OH! And I also noticed that its teeth aren't as orange as they used to be, in fact they are almost white. Also, there seems to be a very small area of irritated skin on the neck, maybe I'm exaggerating... Anyway, I really hope you can help me. And I thank you in advance.

Not being there makes it much more difficult to guess what is going on.  Have you checked the length of her teeth?  If her teeth are whitening, it is a sign of a dietary deficiency.  Are they longer than usual?  Sometimes their teeth grow so long they have to be trimmed, or risk injury to the animal...if she's not eating properly, and there is unusual drainage I'm wondering if maybe her teeth have begun damaging surrounding structures.  

The other obvious possibility is that the wetness is coming from her eye, and that during periods of sleep when her eyes are closed it doesn't dry enough to look so thick and white.  I am honestly guessing...all I can suggest is that you keep it cleaned with a wet white cloth and check it's tooth length.  Do soften some food to help her get better nutrition, but not knowing what is exactly wrong makes it tough. If it is an issue with her neck that is oozing, you need to make sure it doesn't get infected.  It's just so hard to tell without seeing it firsthand.

Good luck!