Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > which would be better to own

which would be better to own

21 15:51:09

i'm wanting a cage pet. i don't know which is better. rodents or reptiles. so could you help?

Hi Josh,

The only reptile that I have had was a frog. Not being a lover of reptiles I'd say rodents. But I think that the best thing to do is go to your local pet store and spend time with the reptile and rodents ask to handle some of them, what do you feel more comfortable with?, would you be able to feed live food to some reptiles? Do you have time to cuddle a rodent?.
Choose 2 breeds from each group (reptile and rodent) then do your research what do you find easy? Ask people questions who own the species that you have chosen i.e. feeding, bedding and care.
I chose Rats because a Hamster bit me, gerbils are to quick and you can't get mice near me.

I hope this helps.
Nitros Fancy Rats