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Gerbil Babies

21 15:43:42


I did ask previously what I could expect from my gerbil when she had her babies.  I am not sure by what you meant by that you didn't answer homework questions as she got pregnant quite by accident.  However, she has since successfully had 5 babies which now have their eyes open and are perfect minature gerbils.  Derek's friend has also now had babies, she has had 6 babies which are just over a week old now.  I would like to try again to ask a question as I am struggling to sex the babies, I have looked at several websites and it sounds really easy but I just can't seem to tell the difference, and really don't want to end up with lots of inbred little gerbils.  Also whilst we intend to keep the first litter of babies we would are going to have to get rid of the second litter and would like to know at what age they can be safely separated from their mother.

Yours hopefully, not a student, just a confused gerbil owner.


I am sorry that you got a "homework answer" that is sent out by my husband when I am sick and backed up. I am glad that you got two litters of gerbils and everyone is doing so well. It is rather difficult on all rodents to sex them and even with pictures you still cant always tell right away. The good thing to know is that it takes them till 10 weeks to begin to try and mate. It is recommended that you wait till they are five months for all growth to occur. Usually by 5-6 weeks they are ready to leave the mom and totally weaned and eating hard food. You usually wait till about the 8-10 week period to truly tell the gender.

there are nipples that you can tell when hair is not present
the anus and vagina are close together

see a bulge at the butt area
the anus and penis are far apart
sometimes you can feel in that area ans feel what is like small marbles and that is indicator of a male but not everyone likes to do that.

Here are some websites that may helps you, even though I know you have looked at a lot already:

Thank you for using all experts and doing such a good job taking care of your gerbils :)