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six month chinchilla

21 15:43:42


I have a question about my six month old chin,Her name is Izzy.I noticed her poop is soft not runny but very soft and messy. I took her food away from her for two days, I fed her only timothy hay and water as per the breeders sugestion.That seemed to help her poop was normal so I gave her the (mizuri) food back and her once a day raisin or marshmallow. After giving her food back her poop returned to being soft messy again. I took her food away now she has only t hay and water,the breeder also suggested giving her shredded wheat occasionally. I'm afraid she will be in the same boat as before when I give her the food back. Other than the soft poop she is her normal,happy, playful little self. Should I take her to the vet? Change her diet? I also have a 3 year old chin,She is fine no problems but I did purchase her from a different breeder so her diet is different I feed her Fiesta max by Kaytee,she also gets one raisin a day or one marshmallow and they both have apple wood stix to chew on.

Thank you,

What you need to do is change the diet. Her digestive system is different and she needs more corse and fiber type of food. Anything like the hay, shredded wheat, oatmeal(dry), cheerios, ect are good. You will need to figure out what is causing her the problems based on trial and error or food. Give each food at least 3 days before the next. Try one fruit or veggie each time. Real fruit and veggie are better then the dry food.