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Hamster has neck problem

21 15:46:02

hi, My mum noticed my hamster had a large bruise on his neck. I haven't noticed it so it cant have been there long. I wondered if it was something like a tumor, or maybe our cat had scratched him but there is no blood. he has had no loss of appetite and he is drinking too. He is still active and "hamsterish" i picked him up and the bruising seemed to stay where it was like there was something under it, but somehow i don't think there is.If it is a tumor im worried the vet will put him down but he is fine and happy apart from a nasty horrible purple and back bruise. lets say it is a tumor and touchwood it isn't, could it be some thing i have or haven't done??

Please help


Is the bruised area hard and lump? If so it could be a cyst or tumor and of course there's nothing you can do about that if your hamster is being a normal hamster I wouldn't have the vet put him to sleep. If it is in one spot maybe he hurt himself doing something, goodness knows my hamster has done some stupid things like instead of climbing down the tubes to get to his food he decides to jump off the 2nd floor in the cage and fell on his back. He is in the critter trail 3 and so I could only help but laugh at his silly butt for trying to get to his food in a hurry. I really doubt that it's anything you did. Hamsters do a lot of weird things when you're not watching them. Right now I wouldn't worry since it's only in one spot, if you see more bruises appear on his body then i would take your hamster to a vet to see what could be going on.