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what s wrong w/ my rat

21 15:46:13

my rat has a line of bumps down one side of her. she doesn't like me to tuoch it. they are all scabed up & must of bled while i was gone. Ialso saw some black speaks. We put some powder that kills insects and parasites on her that we had from our dog. if they are fleas she probebly  got them from my dog. what are they & what can i do?????   -ellie

Please take both your rat and dog to the vet. The vet will provide medication that will kill fleas and ticks so that your rat doesn't pick them up. Don't put any flea medicines on your rat anymore. You need a vet to give you something that is safe.Store bought flea killers will harm your rat. A vet must see her for the black specks also. Don't delay. Your rat will not become better without a vet.