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my baby mice

21 15:44:54

Hi again.  The mouse with the bad eyes I contacted you about before died.  I had more mice than him though, because I breed them.  I now have two separate containers.  There are about thirty mice divided among both cages.  There are four babies that I just fell in love with.  The only problem is, two are in one container and two are in the other.  I want to move the four babies upstairs in my bedroom in a cage I have set up.  I introduced the babies together and put them in the cage together for a while and they got along great.  The mothers of the younger babies are babies of the older ones moms, if you understood a word of that.  So they are all related and so pretty much, they are cousins.  Do you think it would be okay to put the four babies together?  The one baby is a runt again and they are all girls.

This is something that you have to do and watch. Basically it is something I cannot for sure say. I usually introduce them in a neutral area or cage. One that is all set up for them but new, clean, with enough hiding spots and play area for them to explore themselves and each other. Sometimes you get two animals ,just like us, that wont get along to save their lives. I have tow rats like that. Just keep an eye out for blood, sores, and noises indicating fighting and use your best judgment on if they need to be separated.

Make sure with more mice that their is more food, water, and "toys" to prevent basic fighting over that sort of item.

Sorry about your other pet. I hope that this helps and Happy New Year.