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My rat looks like she is bleeding from her nose. What do i do??

21 15:46:18

Dear ann,
My rat, Bananas,(she is a female) looks like she may be bleeding from her nose. I checked some other rat sights and they said that it is just mucus....or looks like blood but how do i know for sure???

I also have a question about feeding my rats scrambled eggs. If i just put them in the pan and cook them like i would eat, and dont add anything to it, could i feed it to them once or twice a week every two weeks? I just want to add something new to their diet. I would also like to know if this is a harmful thing. Thank you for your time.


Hi Nikki,
  If Bananas is bleeding or has muscous coming from her nose, you have to take her to a vet. Find a vet that has experience in treating small animals such as rats. Call up the vets in your area to find out if they do. If she is sick and it's not from an injury, then your other rats might be ill also. Check with a vet as soon as possible.
   Eggs are okay. It's better to hard boil the eggs, cool them off and then feed them the egg yolk. If you scramble and use oil, your rats may become ill because the oil from the food could upset their stomachs.