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identity & treatment

21 15:46:17

How do I tell the difference between a mouse and a baby rat (e.g. body length
vs. tail length) in the future, but for now I have one that has a 2" body and a
4" tail. What is it? I have pictures if I may submit.  Also how do I humanely kill
a mouse or rat, injured or not?  Our cats would not like keeping them as pets!


Rats are generally easy to tell apart from mice due to their size, but in the case of a young rat you can take a look at it's ears and tail.

Here's a picture of a young rat:
And a field mouse:

Apart from the more graceful body build, mice have larger ears and thinner tail. 2" would suggest a small mouse, but an uploaded picture would certainly be helpful!

People often make the mistake of thinking that the size of the animal equals its worth, therefore treating mice as nothing but big insects that can be killed in the most horrifying ways. I'm glad you took the time to find out more! The most humane way would be to buy live mouse traps, and then releasing the captured furball far away from your house. They aren't exactly homing missiles, and if you treat them well I'm sure they won't hold a grudge and run back to you! ;-) Hope this helps at all!