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Can Degus get fleas?

21 15:45:27

HI I just bought a new baby rat and she has egg casings all over her fur like she has previously had fleas, to be on the safe side, Im treating her and all her cage mates for fleas, and was wondering since my two degu and on of the rats cage mates have outside cage play time together, should I treat my degu as well. I know Chinchillas cant get fleas but can Degu?

You have larger issues than fleas.  I have never heard of a case of fleas--mites yes--but most folks keep their degus away from flea-bearing rodents.  Your biggest issue is letting your rat play with your degus.  Rats are omnivores.  That means they eat EVERYTHING.  Is it worth the risk of getting an animal hurt or killed letting them play together?  As a rat owner myself it is disturbing that you do not take into account their need to hunt, and risk injury to another animal.  Please allow separate play time outside for each species, or at least ones able to share a cage safely.  It would be a good idea to keep flea-risk animals in quarantine until you know for sure they won't pass along.  

Good luck.