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Small Pets

21 15:43:07

My dad is allergic to pet dander, and says I can't get a 'Big' animal, can you give
me a list of hypoallergenic small pets? NO DOG OR CATS OR HORSES!!!!!

Dear Haley,
thank you for your question.
I'm afraid that all animals with fur (and possibly feathers) are out of the question for you, since they all can cause allergies. Reptiles are usually hypoallergenic, but they need a lot of attention and often very roomy enclosures (but that's also true for rodents). If you think that a reptile may be the right pet for you, I can recommend as a great resource for all herp-related things. is a good starting point for research about frogs as pets.

Insects and other invertebrates are also good pets for people with allergies. Stick insects/phasmids, land hermit crabs (who require a lot more care than people think!), hissing roaches, beetles, scorpions, millipedes, ect. is a good forum for crabs, if you want to know more about them. I can recommend websites/forums for most other pets, let me know what kind of pet you are considering.

I hope I was of some help to you