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found a small mouse hurt

21 15:45:38

I have a cat and when i entered the dining room i saw a mouse about 1 to 2
inches long. It has a coat of fur and its back left leg seems to be sticking out to
the side. It is not cut or anything, but its leg is hurt and it trembles sometimes. I
have put it in an aquarium with a blanket, napkin and a sock with ground of ritz
crackers that it has nibbled at. I would let it outside but its cold and rainy and i
would feel terrible doing it. What is your advice?

Hello Anton,
aww poor thing is hurt. I know it's bothersome to see animals hurt. Well considering wild mice can carry disease, you need to be extra careful when handling him. If you have any bedding, I would use tissue and use that as bedding if you don't have any in there. I would buy a mouse diet and some nice soft bedding and a bottle for the animal to drink from. Hopefully he will get better.