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My Rat Skye

21 15:43:16

I have two pet rats called Buffy and Skye and Skye is really nervous of me. Buffy is a really friendly pet but skye is always jumping up at me and scratches me and never comes to me and i don't know why she never bites and is not a mean pet but i really want to know why she ignores me.

She is probably just cautious and scared. Some good ideas are to hand feed her through the bars treats( peanut butter) and placing an old shirt or cloth that has your scent on it will familiarize her with you more and make her more comfortable around you.

Another option is to give her love each day even if she runs. Eventually she will get use to the attention, but it will take time. She has to get rally comfortable with you over time.

Here are some websites that may help you: