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hairless rats

21 15:44:57

hi i already have a hairless dog and im not allergic to him at all.and im wanting a hairless rat, would i be allergic to it since im not alergic to my hairless dog and the rat would be smaller. i would wipe him down with bath wipes often and change bedding often to. so u know the answer to this? also i was only wanting one, i was talking to a lady about it and she said she had a hariless rat by itself and it was fine, so i just wanted to know if i HAVE to get 2 ( it would be out some and i would play with it everyday.

Dear Chelsea,
thank you for your question.
Rats are extremely social and should never be kept alone. A human cannot replace another rat, even if you spend a lot of time with the rat. They get just as tame when they are kept in pairs (of the same sex!) as when they are kept alone.

I can't tell you if you will be allergic to the rat. It's possible that you will be, if you react to the skin cells rather than to the hair, so I definitely recommend seeing an allergologist about this before getting the rats.
I hope I was of some help to you