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My chinchilla Stewie...

21 15:45:07

My Chinchilla stewie, is a girl about 1 1/2 years of age, I have had her since 6-8 wks of age. over time she has been developing these fur clots on the bottom of her tummy, down by her lady parts. I'm not sure how to get rid of them, what they might be, or how I can treat them. I want to make sure she is as healthy as can be, and happy. Do you have any advice as to what it could be or what I can do to get rid of the fur balls?

They might be matted bits of fur from her peeing or something like that. It could be something else though.

Maybe ring up your exotic vets or look online and ring a GOOD experienced exotic vet, just for advice.

Just look closer to see if you can see anything else and also just try the vets.
