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my hamsters gender

21 15:43:48

hi ! when i first got my hamster the man did not know the sex of it so i decided to say it was a boy but now I'm doubting my choice,dimitri is 10 weeks old and I've had him for a month and a half .my family say to forget it and just keep calling him a male but i cant ,its just to unfair .Ive tried checking him but he squirm and I've tried to put him on a see through object but i still cant see if hes male are female,i don'ts have the money to bring him to the vet to check .hes not my first hamster but ive never had a problem like this
please try and help me

Well this is quite a predicament. What I can tell you that a female has her anal and vaginal area really close together, where a male is far apart. This is some great websites you can go to for hep as well.

I hope that this helps.