Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > drawf dormouse

drawf dormouse

21 15:44:36

hi , i was just wondering if you can tell me what nutrients do they have and from what part . i mean i have got a dormouse and feed it crickets , fruit and exotic mix can you tell me what parts of what food do they get each nutrient from ?

Thanks for taking the time to use all experts. I am not sure exactly if I understand your question since I do not know what brand of food you are using. However I do know that dormouse is a very selective feeder. They ave a very simple digestive system, much like our own. They cannot get nutrients from things like leaves readily on hand so instead most nutritious foods, namely flowers, fruits and insects. As all these foods are available at different times of year, dormice must select habitats rich in all these food sources. Sometimes these things are not on hand in your area due to weather and season changes, but then you can get the exotic mix like you are and there are local bait shops and pet stores that have crickets and other bugs on hand year round.

Dormouse favorites include:

   * Hawthorn Flowers
   * Honeysuckle
   * Sycamore Flowers
   * Bramble Flowers
   * Blackberries
   * Beech nuts
   * Hazel nuts
   * Seeds out of Ash Keys
   * Seeds of Hornbeams
   * Shoots
   * Buds

I wasnt able to get any list of nutrients that they get from each food, but this website is great for more food info :

I hope that this helps and I am sorry that I couldnt find break down of nutrients for you:)