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21 15:46:01

i went outside my apt tonight and saw a little mouse. it ran towards the garage wall and then it started spinning in cirles chasing it's tail. it kept going faster and faster and even when i approached to take a look, it paid me no attention.  what was wrong with it? i felt bad b/c something was clearly wrong, but i didn't know what to do. i couldn't find anything about spinning mice online.  


This sounds like a serious infection/disorder in the inner ear, and the most humane thing to do in such situation is to give the mouse a swift, painless death. As a curious note, the 'dancing mice/Japanese dancing mice' sometimes still sold in shady petstores actually suffer from a genetical disorder in the inner ear, making it appear as if the mice are 'dancing', while in reality they simply cannot balance themselves properly.

Just my two cents, hope this answers your question!