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Questions on squirrels

21 15:48:45

My name is Sarah Jane Hansen.I'm in the 4th grade. I am working on a very big report about squirrels. I understand you have special knowledge about squirrels. Can I ask you a some questions about squirrels?

    1. How long do they live?
      2. Do squirrels move from one place to another for a home?

    3. Can they be domesticated?

    4. How many kinds are in Utah?

    5. Do they help the environment?

    6. How big can they get?

    7. Do squirrels carry diseases, can they make you sick?

  For my report I need to identify who I got this information from, and what their education or training is. Can you give me this information?

Thank you for your help,Sarah Jane.

1. Squirrels can live from 1 -3 years but it depends on the type of squirrel.
2. Squirrels like to stay in their territory but if it is destroyed then it will move.  Young squirrels may move around until they find a home.
3. Yes they can be domesticated but must be from a youbg age.  Hand reared are the best animals.  It is hard to convert a wild squirrel to a domestic squirrel so they are best to be hand reared.
4. i am not sure how many because I live in the UK (England)
5.  Squirrels over in England are considered pests as they destroy trees, and electric in houses although the red squirrel is a protected species over here.  Grey squirrels are killed over here because of the damage they cause and the fact that they took over the red squirrel.
6.  They can get to the size of a large rat.  the fuzzy tail makes them look bigger.
7. over here they can carry some diseases but it can be prevented with regular shots.  however in your area i think they are a problem as I have heard that they carry bubonic plague and humans may get it if bitten.

Sorry I do not have any more info.
My name is Lindsay Newell, i live in Staffordshire in England and I am a veterinary nurse.  I studied at Rodbaston college in Stafford, UK
