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Am I being too fussy?

21 15:51:30

I have two pet mice and I am really obsessed with the things that go on around them. They are in the corner of my bedroom and I am really worried about what my bright light could do to them. Seeing as they're nocternal animals and they only come out at night if they are in the dark and I  switch the light on will it affect their eyesight? Also, when I play some music I play it really quietly incase it hurts their ears-does it actually hurt their ears? I know they  seem like silly questions but I really am curious about what could be harmful to them. Thank you.

It shouldnt matter about the light.  My animals live in a large heated shed and the light is usually kept on all night and it doesnt effect the animals.

Music playing loud might hurt their ears.  If you want to put music on load then put the mice in another room.
