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Mice wagging their tails

21 15:45:20

I also have witnessed a lone pregnant mouse wag her tail like a dog when I've sweet talked her. Is it a threatening gesture at all times? I was so happy at first and then realized I might be bothering I?  Leona

Dear Leona,
thank you for your question.
Mice wag their tail as a serious warning to other mice (and humans). It's a sign of fear and aggression and if you touch a mice that is wagging its tail at you, you are likely to get bitten if the mouse can't get away fast enough. I'm guessing that the mouse is stressed out by the pregnancy and by the fact that she's all alone, mice are very social and need company, they feel a lot more secure then and don't get bored or lonely. I recommend leaving her at least one of the female babies for company.
I hope I was of some help to you