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Need help identifying a problem

21 15:48:55

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Question -
My pet is named Isis.  Recently her back right foot swelled to about three times its normal size.  We took her to the vet and he found no injuries so he gave her an antibiotic.  Three days later  the sweeling was gone and about a week later she began using the foot again.  Now, she is still on her antibiotics, her left foot is doing the same thing as the right foot.  No one has been able to help me with her problem.  The liquid in her foot is clear and she does not seem to be in any pain.  She has also stopped eating and drinking as much so her weight has dropped a little.  Do you know what could cause this to occur or do you know anyone who could help me?
Answer -
Hello Liz,

With out seeing her it's hard to tell what would be wrong with Isis. But if you could answer the following questions it may help me to think of somethings that may be wrong:

What shelves do you use (wire, plastic coved in)?

What bedding are you useing?

When you have her out of her cage what type of surface does she go on?

What cleaning products do you use to clean the cage?

Why if nothing was found did the vet put her on antibiotics?

Is it like a blister on her foot?

Does she have any cuts on her feet?

Dose she have cage mates? If so do they have it?

For her weight drop, are her teeth ok and not causing her any problems? If they are fine try feeding her higher Kcal food to help keep the weight on, like Porrdige, Pizza Crusts, Scrambled eggs and Butter Beans Mashed. As well as her rat food. You could also give her Soya Milk to drink.

Take Care
Nitros Fancy Rats

She has Five babies and they are five weeks old.  I do not know her age but she is very young and had babies shortly after I got her.  None of them have had any problems and they are in the same cage with the same bedding eating the same food.  When out of the cage they all go on my bed, on my couch, on my dresser.  They have carefresh bedding.  The foot is usually kind of moist and warm, but does not seem to hurt her at all.  The vet thought that she had an infection, but obviously she does not because of the other foot doing the same thing.  She has no cuts or blisters.  I clean the cage with soap and water or some times vinegar and water if it is extra stinky.  I let it air dry completely before putting them back.  When I let her out she runs around and plays like normal.  

Hello Liz,

When you say she has no blister on her foot, what is it like where the clear liquid is (Tumor, Spot, hard, Soft)? Doe she have any wire shelving in the cage?

 Have you seperated the Boys from the Girls yet? and are you feeding her and the babies a higher protein diet? other wise her and the babies will become ill. As she has had kittens so young she will not live a full life span of 2 years. You should report where you brought her from, where did you buy her from?

Take Care
Nitros Fancy Rats