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Rat with breathing problems

21 15:51:07

I trust that this finds you well.
I have a problem with an aging grey rat (just over two years old) For the last couple of weeks his breathing has become very laboured. It has gotten progressivly worse for the last two days. He gasps and pants, sometimes getting so panicked that he starts to hop and run around. This happens three to five times a day. Sometimes lasting for half an hour or so.
We took him to the vet and he gave us some Baytril to add to his water but he just stopped drinking his water. Since then he has lost a 10th of his weight.
We did a little research on the web and found a suggestion for a "steam tent" Using a bowl of hot water with tea tree oil, setting it next to the cage and covering with a blanket. This has not helped at all.
We have traded the bedding for a towel.
The vet thinks that it might be a tumour in the lungs for a fungi infection in the sinuses both untreatable.
It pains me greatly to say this but we are so upset by his panic attacks that we are considering putting him down.
Any suggests would be wonderful.

Many thanks,

Hi Mark,

Sorry to hear that your little fellow is not well. I'd go with the vet on this one as it does not sound like a normal respiratory infection, but if he is not drinking the Baytril, then the infection could have just got worse. It's best not to add Baytril to water, if you can get a tiny syringe them put the Baytril dose in it with a little water and squirt it in to the rats mouth. If his eating, add the Baytril to a little yoghurt, or porridge.
As his loosing weight, it's best to feed him, podrrige, scrambled egg, yoghurts, baby foods, goats milk, give him high cal food but not sugary foods, this should keep the weight on him, as well as his rat food. Once you are certain that his taken the Baytril for about a week and keep steaming him, (try holding over the steam for 10 Mins twice a day, and add olbas oil to the water). You could also try giving Echinacea, (it's a alcohol free herbal extract) 1 drop 2 or 3 times a day. If his not better after that (I don't mean 100% back to normal, it can take a month, even then he may need to be on Baytril for the rest of his life), then it may be time to say good bye :(

Hope all is well
Take Care
Nitros Fancy Rats