Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > rats/ferrets


21 15:45:26

I visited a shop where a young hairless rat and a very young ferret were housed together with rabbits and guinea pigs.  The rat and ferret had a blast playing together.  Would they be suitable companions into adulthood?


Dear Saraj,
thank you for your question.
The ferret would kill the rat. In fact, none of the animals the pet shop housed together should live together as adult. Ferrets will kill or at least seriously hurt rodents/rabbits. Rats can be aggressive towards smaller rodents (it's part of their diet in the wild) and may, as a group, be aggressive even towards bigger rodent. Guinea pigs and rabbits are often seen housed together, but they have completely different body and sound language, which can cause serious misunderstandings. For example guinea pigs are very vocal for a number of reasons, while rabbits mostly only use their voice to shriek in panic or anger.
All species should be kept with at least one other companion of their own species and no other animals in the same cage.
I hope I was of some help to you