Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > Degu


21 15:43:03


Can degus eat hamster feed? I rescued 2 and need to know if they should have guinea pig feed and chinchilla feed I am new to them. Also can they have bird wood toys?

Hamster food will not hurt them, but it won't provide them the nutrition they need. You really need to feed them the chinchilla/guinea pig blend.  They also need to have timothy or alfalfa available at all times to eat as well as fresh water.  They also love fresh veggies, but introduce them slowly since they may not be used to them.  Carrots, sweet potatoes, celery tops and lettuce are all great treats.  

You will also need to make sure they have a dust bath several times a week (like chins use#, have plenty to chew on #yes, wood bird toys are fine) and aren't allowed to get chilled in this weather.  Make sure the cage has no plastic, as they can chew through it quite easily.

Good luck!