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what do chincillas eat

21 15:45:20

What do chincillas eat and what do they do??

Dear Marissa,
thank you for your question.
Chinchillas must have high-quality hay and water, you should also offer them a good pellet brand (no rabbit or guinea pig pellets). As treats, you can offer dried vegetables and a little fuit, but chinchillas are prone to diabetes, so anything sweet should make up a very small part of their diet.

They are nocturnal, so you won't see much of them during the day. They must be kept in (same sex) pairs or groups because they are extremely social. They will interact with each other and with you once they are tame. Chinchillas are very inquisitive and will investigate anything new, especially if you let them out of their cage - make sure the room if safe for them. They can become very tame, but most don't like being petted that much because it makes their fur greasy. They need a huge cage and will use every inch of space that you give them, jumping and running with extraordinary agility.
This website has a lot more info on chinchilla care, it's a very good resource if you are thinking about getting chinchillas as pets:
I hope I was of some help to you