Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > Tumors in guinea pigs

Tumors in guinea pigs

21 15:43:25

QUESTION: Hi Cass. My name is Samantha, and I have a very important question. My guinea pig has a lump on her right side of her neck. it is as big as a quarter, although it does not seem to bother her. she eats, drinks and run in her cage, but I am worried about the lump. could you please help me? I have been worried sick over this

ANSWER: Hello. :) First off, how long has the lump been there? Is it squishy or firm to the touch? There is a chance it could be a tumor, but chances are, if it is slow growing and hasn't had a real effect on her it's benign. It could also be a cyst. Your veterinarian can remove the lump, and if you are worried they can send it off to a lab to have it tested. Most vets recommend leaving it in place if it isn't causing any discomfort. If she starts behaving oddly, becomes lethargic or there is a decrease in food and water intake, or the lump starts growing rapidly I would have her seen by a vet. While abscesses are usually soft to the touch there can be abscesses that become hard and take time to build up, so a trip to the vet would be a safe bet anyway. Good luck! :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: it is slow growing, and it has not been there too long. I just noticed it about 3 days ago. so, you dont think it is a tumor then, since it slow and not been long? it is a little hard to answer your question. thanks agian

First off, let me apologize for my lack of a speedy response. I am having trouble with the site. If you send me an answer privately I can respond back with my email address, that way I can help you a lot quicker. How is the piggy doing? Has it seen a vet yet? There is a chance it can be a tumor, or a cyst, or abscess. You wont know for sure unless she sees a vet. If you need help locating one let me know and I will try my best to help you find one in your area. :)