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Gerbils/ guinea pigs

21 15:51:05

I would like to know how to keep my gerbils from hopping out of the tank when it is feeding time?
Also are the run about balls safe for gerbil use and can they find a way out of them? As for guinea pigs how do you make them stop biting?

Sorry about the late response.  I answered you the other day but it would not let me send.

Right then,
It is normal for gerbils to hop around the cage at feeding time.  To stop them hopping out, if you put in a stick treat(food treat) they wont be so hungary.  also if they want food post some through the bars so they go to that instead of jumping.  Thats what I do with my rats.

As with the guinea pig it is a behavioural problem.  I have never had a biting guinea pig.  I suggest more handling and if you sit near his pen for a couple of minutes this may help.  Offer him fruit and veg out of your hands to get him used to you