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Introducing a new rat

21 15:51:20

I have one rat that is just under a year old.. about 10-11 months. His brother died a little while ago and I have gotten a new cagemate for him. the new boy is 5-6 weeks old. I have been introducing them for a few minutes at a time on neutral territory and have even tried the "vanilla" trick (putting it on their nose, back and genitals). I know that it could take a while for them to be ok together but my concern is this: I expected fighting but what I didn't expect was that my older rat would lick the baby rat's genitals incessantly. To the point of them looking irritated. He runs up behind the little one and noses under his backside and then flips him over (this I get) but then grabs him and licks and licks and licks. Any advice? Is this normal? I can't find any reference to this on any websites...


Normally it's best to get 2 kittens and introduce them at the same time then the older rat does not know what one to go for.

For now try not putting the vanilla on there genitals, as this could be the problem (he thinks it's food not rat).
Instead get the older ones backside and rub it over the kitten, this way the older rat will think that baby is part of him as it smells of him.
If not rub them both over with a cloth that smells the same (not food smell).

Hope this helps.
Nitros Fancy Rats

Yahoo Group Nitrosrats - Owner