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can u help my hamster?

21 15:46:04

the hamster expert is on vacation so i was wondering if u can help me. my hamster is growing huge spots on her hips and inside the spots there are smaller spots and have no hair around his body can u try to help me and with the bald parts of his boddy there is is these kind of dandruf on his skin

I am sorry but I am not a hamster expert. How old is your hamster? The same thing happened to my hamster when she was about 2 years old, maybe a little older. She had them for a couple months, and then they went away, but she died shortly after they went away. The vet said she died from old age, and that 2 years is about the life of a hamster despite what some books may say. The hamster had some how had fleas before the spots, so we thought for a little they were eggs. As you can see, it is really hard to answer a question on something that is not familar. All I can do is speculate. I suggest you visit a vet that treats hamsters to see what is up. It is normal for hair loss to occur during old age. I hope you find an answer to your problem, but I am not going to be the source. Sorry.