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New Owner Questions

21 15:46:04

I might be getting a hegehog and I have a couple questions about them.

1)What type of food should I feed them, if cat food- wet or dry or a mixture of both? What do/did you use, are there any specific brands that you reccommend? And how much should I give them, and when? Anything else about food would be great.

2)Cages. What kind of cage is the best for a hedgehog? What have you used for your hedehog? Anything else about cages.

3)Any other information that you think would be helpful. I have read MANY sites about hedgehogs so I know most of the information but if there is any info about hedgehogs that you think would be helpful. And any sites that you have found very good/useful I would love to know.

Thank you for your answer and advice in advance!!

1. Dry ADULT cat food only.  I also offer a couple mealworms a week and some hedgehog vitamin treats as a suppliment. You will want to feed whatever the hedgehog is already eating, and then slowly transition to whatever you want to feed. they are very sensitive. Avoid Vitacraft hedgehog food.

2. I just use large plastic bins with no cover as a cage. With a hedgehog the larger the space the better. You want to be able to fit in a wheel (with solid running area), a house, and the food/water containers comfortably without causing the hedgehog to feel cramped. I like the plastic bins because they are cheaper than anything else. You will want one with a flat bottom, which is getting harder to find.

3. Find a vet in your area that specializes in hedgehogs. I live in a large city and it took calling over 20 vet offices to find one that routinely worked with hedgehogs. In the end I found one that works with a local hedgehog rescue so she sees all the hedgehogs that the rescue gets. Honestly, it is worth the money to have an annual exam with an experienced hedgehog vet.

Also, you will want to handle your hedgehog at least daily.