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hairless rats skin

21 15:46:44

how do you treat dry skin he has got scratches around the neck and skin is really iritaded i wash him with warm wash cloth and then i put a&d ointment or like salve on him to try to fx the soars but i dont know what to do they will not go away he stil scratches at them and i need to know what to do

It sounds like he either has mites or a food allergy. The best thing to do would be to treat the cause of the dry skin and scratches rather than just the sores. If your vet treated for mites and that didnt help then I would say it is def an allergy to the food, probably the protein in it as rats cant tolerate high levels of protein. Also try using shredded paper as bedding to rule out an allergy to bedding. As for the sores, you could try vegetable oil or some hypercal cream but I really think you need to find the cause, I dont think its just dry skin. Good luck