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Pregnant Mouse?

21 15:45:44

QUESTION: Hi, I think my mouse may be pregnant because my mom got her and her buddy at a pet store because my mom excited and she couldn't wait to get one at a rescue. Both of them are girls, but one of them is acting sluggish and has two big bumps on opposite sides. I've had nineteen rats which four of them were pregnant and they looked just like my mouse. I'm still not sure because we've had them for a week and a half, and I was wondering if it's even possible that she is pregnant.

ANSWER: Dear Hannah,
thank you for your question.
It sounds very much like your mouse is pregnant. The pregnancy will last about 21-23 days, but if it's that obvious, she will probably get her babies any day now.
I hope I was of some help to you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If she has babies should I worry about the other mouse. in the cage?

ANSWER: No, they will be fine together. Actually, separating them now would even be more stress. It may well be that the other mouse will help in caring for the babies. Offer them plenty of animal protein now, the mother needs it even more than normal. Insects are the best source (crickets, mealworms or dried silkworms if you don't want to handle life insects). If neccessary, clean the cage now and then leave it until the babies are coming out of their nest by themselves. Cleaning the toilet corner, if your mice have one, is fine, though.
I hope I was of some help to you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How old do the babies have to be to separate male from female. And when will the babies not need the moms milk?

ANSWER: The babies begin to eat normal food when they are 16 days old and are self-dependent at 22 days. But they still need to stay with their mother and siblings to learn from them. They should be separated with 27 days and are able to breed shortly after that.
I hope this helps you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One more question, When i first described her belly  afew days ago it was big but squishy today  it is very firm. And one side of her belly is a lot bigger than the other.

Sorry for all the followups I am not very experienced with mice.


It's unusual that one side of bigger than the other. I recommend seeing a vet with her to rule out any problems, but it might be that she's just close to giving birth now. I cannot say anything for sure about this without having seen the mouse and even then it would be hard for me, I'm not a vet.
I'm sorry that I cannot say anything definite.
For general information and care tips, is a good site.
I hope I was of some help to you