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Is this a field mouse?

21 15:45:43

Hi, I live in germany and stumbled across this guy while hiking:

It has a bum leg and is currently chilling in an old chinchilla cage in my yard with some water, sunflower seeds, bedding, and a slice of apple. It's perking up and chowing down, but I still don't know what on earth it is. I've certainly never seen a mouse like this before.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

Dear Jessica,
thank yu for your question.
It's a dormouse. They are protected and you will need to release it into the wild again. I recommend seeing a vet with him to check out the leg and to make sure he's fit to live on. It's probably a good idea to offer him a few insects as well, they enjoy them very much.
here are some more info on them:
(in German, but googlinh with the scientific name will turn up a lot of English pages as well).
I hope I was of some help to you