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New Gerbills

21 15:48:37

Followup To
Question -

I just bought two male gerbills and bought a gerbillarium for them.

One of the two has spent almost all its time in the little hidey house I put in for them. Do you think that might be because they are scared of my cockatiel's chirpping? He is a particularly noisey bird. If so, I can move the gerbillarium into a quieter room.

Answer -
Hi Andy,
   I have to ask you a few questions first. How close is the tiel's cage to the gerbil cage? Have you examined your gerbils to make sure that they are healthy, especially the one who is hiding? Is one gerbil picking on the other? Gerbils are prey animals, and birds sometimes prey on small rodents such as gerbils. Your bird may be making the gerbil nervous, which will leave him very vulnerable to illness. I would first, put the gerbil cage in a quieter room, second, make sure the other gerbil isn't bullying the one who is hiding. The most important thing is to make sure that both gerbils are healthy. Look them over yourself, but get a vet appointment with a vet who is experienced with small animals to make sure that your new pets are in good health.

   Hi thanks for your reply

Since writing the timid one has become much less timid and both of them are now happy for me to handle them. I still think I will move them to a quieter room as fred the cockatiel is too loud for me, nevermind small rodents. I keep several types of animals and I am sure they are both healthy. They do not fight at all and indeed wash each other, they seem best of friends are are brothers from the same litter. I got them from a very reputable place.

Thanks for your kind help.  

Hi Andy,
   I'm so glad. It seemed to me to be just a matter of adjustment. If they are friends, and are happy for your and each other's company, then it seems that it was just a temporary thing. I agree with moving them to a quieter place. I have two three small birds, and they can make quite a lot of noise. Your problem has resolved itself. If there is anything that I can help you with, please don't hesitate to write again.