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new rats?

21 15:44:45

we recently lost a rat because she got outdoors and we could not find her. we had 2 rats at that time and they were both sisters. what will hapen if we introduce a new young rat into the same cage as the 9 month old rat that we still have.

it is okay to introduce another rat into the mix as long as you take it slow. First you want to keep them separate for about 7 days to make sure that the new rat doesn't have anything to pass onto your pets. Then you want to introduce them in a neutral setting. This would be a setting neither live in like a new cage, on the couch, table, ect. This lets them get to know one another without the worry of being territorial. After they can be together several times in a "play date" the you can take the new pet and divide the cage and let them live together but still separate. Once this is doing well then you can let them be together in the cage and make sure that you watch them. Don't be alarmed if they do fight, just give them more time. Remember that rats are like people and other animals and sometimes they done get along no matter what you do. What you want to make sure to look for is scratches, missing fur, and bleeding then you know you need to seperate them again.

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