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going on vacation

21 15:51:33

Hi.  I e-mailed you before about how much food to feed fancy mice.  I used to have 2 female fancy mice, but now I have 10 mice (one happened to be pregnant before it left the pet store).  The males will be separated from the females this week, as the 5-week mark is approaching.  Some may be given away before the holidays.  Either way, I want to know if it would be ok to leave the mice alone if I am gone for about 3-4 days.  Is it ok to just leave extra food/water for them?  Or should I bring them along with me?  I don't want the mice to over-eat 3-4 days worth of food and then starve for the remaining days.  Thanks for your help!

Make sure you top up the water bottles before you go.  For food you can buy hamster food blocks. You can buy blocks from most pet shops. This will supply your mice with food.  Just make sure you have 1 to every 3 mice.  If you buy food sticks it is 1 to every 2 mice.

Another alternative is to leave a mixture of hamster food, cat/dog biscuits.  Bonios are good too